
Elearning Learning

3 Key Points in Crafting Our Courses


Our experience indicates that when we think of a teaching device with the intention of making it efficient, we must consider how words, images, and content flow in general; how students receive these flows of information, as the appropriate outcome will depend on how each of them transitions through the steps we have designed for them.


Curating the content is as important as curating the ways in which it is delivered. Countless times, emphasis is placed on the idea apart from the forms, and the result ends up being a structure that does not align with its content, which leads to disappointment. On the other hand, properly curated content, with an information flow and an access mechanism that engages the student's abilities, ends up being more effective, taking us step by step to the expected outcome. The dynamics also teach, and we must consider that the primary goal is for participation in the course not to be "acted" but to be "lived." Our clients often ask us about the correct practices for developing their courses. While there is no recipe for the multitude of possible courses, we can point out three practices that will surely help you on your way:


  1. The first is to think about your target audience and speak to them at their level. Do not lag behind, but do not go too far ahead either.
  2. Be clear about the main topic, the heart of the idea to be conveyed, and four or five ideas that support the course and with which we want to leave a mark.
  3. A professional and dynamic structuring of the course, so that the passage through it "feels" useful and is attended to with "real" attention.

If you are looking to develop or localize your eLearning courses, we invite you to consult with us and share your questions and needs with the Headway team!


